The greatest weapon of people actively practicing sport is not the muscles, but the mind. Like musculature, the brain also needs to be trained to achieve the best results.
It is common that with the New Year we set new goals for ourselves. This is such a secular tradition. Unfortunately, its constant element is also that these provisions are quickly passing to the next year. And you? Do you have your goal for the next 12 months?
You can run from time to time just as you feel. There’s nothing wrong with it. However, you can run to achieve a goal. It works very mobilizing and improves the results. It makes you develop and gain self-esteem as an athlete.
1. Head instruction manual
It is not enough to decide that you will run a marathon and finish. The brain is a complex apparatus – one must learn to use it. The basic rule is: not everything at once! The mind works like a laser, has the highest fire power when focused on one target. Distracted will not work as effectively or worse, not at all. Therefore, choose one main goal, do not grab a few magpies by the tail.
2. Target selection
Just as your boss doesn’t like the word “raise”, you need to approach the boss between your ears the way you like. Goals should be set in the present tense, meaning “I train for a marathon” instead of “I will run a marathon this year”.
3. Nature correction
“Setting goals should depend on your personality. Introverts need a detailed plan, while extroverts must see the results of their work. Therefore, extroverts should focus on competing with themselves and with others. The planned sparrings have the best effect on speed or endurance. Their preparation consists of constantly raising the bar and searching for opponents. They should feel satisfied with the victory at every training.
4. Intermediate goals
In addition to setting the main goal, you need to build a ladder from sub-chords. We should set short-term, medium-term and long-term goals. In practice, it looks like this: we have a goal for every training, every month, for the whole season. It also protects against failure. If during training we notice that we are achieving today’s goal in 60%, it can be expected that we will also achieve medium and long-term goals at such a level.
5. How to deal with failure?
“When emotions are very strong, then you should not take responsibility immediately. This can lead to overload, frustration and inability to continue. Therefore, sometimes it is worth transferring responsibility outside for a moment, i.e. explaining to yourself that the opponents were too strong or the weather was not good. When the emotions subside, you have to return with responsibility to yourself. Think about what you have achieved despite losing. Draw conclusions and ask yourself: »What can I change? How can I be better now?
6. And the winner is …
After the victory, enjoy the win. Show off your friends, colleagues, family. Accept congratulations, tell us about your way to success. “If we don’t enjoy the success and get over it, our mind may fail us during the next challenge and approach it with less motivation.”
Winners are not judged, but you must be careful not to lower your flight after success and think about what else to improve or what marathon you want to run. When finishing the marathon, most competitors already know where they will run next. When the Olympians participate in the medal ceremony, it takes a few minutes. The next day they come back to training.
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